We're looking for you! Yes, you.
We're looking for every parent of a child with special needs. We're looking for their family members. We're looking for the professionals who help them. We're looking for the organizations who provide them care. We're looking for the businesses whose products make their lives easier.
Can you imagine for a moment what it would look like if "the village" that cares for children with special needs came together as one, enormous unit to advocate on behalf of the children and the families who raise them?
Imagine for a moment the changes we could make within our government, our health care systems, our society?
We parents struggle with anxiety and depression, with finances, with health insurance, with awareness and sensitivity, and so much more.
Society doesn't take us into account much -- and, at this time, why should it? We are the minority.
The only way any minority has ever changed society is by coming together with one voice and advocating for themselves. Hopeful Parents has a bold vision that someday, we are able to do just that.
Every journey starts with the first step, and ours is no different.
In order to get to "someday," we need to start with today. We need to step-up and be counted as an individual or organization committed to making the world a better place for children who have special needs and their families.
Please, join us today.
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Individual Memberships
Membership per individual is $25 annually. Individuals include parents and extended family members. Only one member per $25 fee.
Individual members will receive:
- the Hopeful Parents electronic newsletter
- information on local chapter news when it becomes available
- priority communication on special announcements
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Professional, Organizational, and Business Memberships
Membership for professionals, non-profit organizations and businesses who serve children with special needs and their families starts at $100 annually.
For $100, members will receive:
- the Hopeful Parents electronic newsletter
- a listing in the searchable Hopeful Parents Resource Directory that includes your name, web address, and up to 10 keyword search terms; listing expires after one year from date published
For $125, members will receive:
- the Hopeful Parents electronic newsletter
- the directory listing mentioned above, plus your street address and phone number added to the listing; listing expires after one year from date published
For $150, members will receive:
- the Hopeful Parents electronic newsletter
- the directory listing mentioned above, plus a description of your service/product(s)/business; listing expires after one year from date published
For $175, members will receive:
- the Hopeful Parents electronic newsletter
- the directory listing mentioned above, plus your logo; listing expires after one year from date published
For $1,000, members will receive:
- the Hopeful Parents electronic newsletter
- the directory listing mentioned above; listing expires after one year from date published
- your logo with a link on the Hopeful Parents home page for one year from date published
- the designation of Sponsor
Christina, it's easy to know that I speak for each of the bloggers,writers, volunteers, readers, and anyone else connected to Hopeful Parents in saying a huge THANK YOU for having this vision. I cannot wait to meet you one day and give you a much deserved hug for what you are doing. It is my honor to call you friend!
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