Part 2 of 2. Last
month’s blog covered advocacy for children with special needs. Many parents move from individual to systems
advocacy and end up helping other families in the process.
Individual vs. Systems
There are various systems that parents have to navigate,
including education, healthcare, and family support. Parents may find after
their struggles that they don’t want other families to have to go through the
same thing. I got started when my
daughter was originally denied SSI (Supplemental Security Income) because she
“wasn’t disabled enough” even though she almost died. I thought this was a clear misinterpretation
of the letter and intent of the law. Our
early intervention program was asking parents for letters if they had a hard
time getting SSI for their children with disabilities. Doing this was the first step on my journey
as an advocate.
Ways to Advocate
Parents of children with special needs can start slowly and
build up their advocacy efforts as time allows.
It could just be a response to an “action alert” from a family support
or disability organization. These will
usually have “talking points” and sometimes a sample letter to use. That way families can know what the key
concerns are that need to be addressed. Parents
can also serve on the committees or boards of these organizations.
Another good way to raise awareness of an issue is to write
a letter to the editor of your local paper.
Make sure to follow the guidelines like word count for length, etc. Also, be careful about divulging too much
private information because your name/address will be used for publication.
Contacting state or federal legislators, and making public comments at boards of education or hearings on issues such as Maternal and Child Health Block Grant application hearings, is another way to get involved. Usually these are for systemic, not individual issues, but if parents have tried everything else speaking up in these forums could be a good last resort for help. So for example if the issue is in a child’s school and is happening to other families, parents can speak at their district board of education. If it’s a more widespread issue happening statewide in special education, families can speak at the state Board of Education meeting. If the issue is about Medicaid, participating in or attending – and speak up at – HMO Advisory meetings, or State Medicaid Advisory Councils, can help parents tell their own stories to achieve a public policy purpose that will help many other families. Again, action alerts from disability organizations will help families know when there are opportunities to testify.
Where to Find Advocacy
For education, each state has a designated Parent Training
and Information Center. They help parents
with individual advocacy but also with systemic issues. For healthcare, there are Family
Voices/Family-to-Family Health Information Centers in each state. For family support for developmental
disabilities, there are governor’s councils in each state. Disability Rights (also known as Protection
and Advocacy) agencies help with individual advocacy but also systems
issues. Disability organizations like
The Arc, or even those that just cover a single disability like autism, can be
good places to get information on issues affecting children with special
needs. Once children are older (age 14
and above), Centers for Independent Living are good places not just for
individual help but addressing systemic issues regarding independent living. It is also important that families help their
child learn to self-advocate. Wrightslaw
has a publication for families titled “From Emotions to Advocacy.” There is also a free online course called “Serving
on Groups.” Lastly, there is another free online course for families called
“Partners in Policymaking” which helps parents to learn how to advocate
Family caregivers need to remember that by advocating for
their child they are making some progress in whichever system is serving their
child. But by getting involved in
systems advocacy, they are helping change everything for everyone. Family caregivers can help not only their
child but other families of children with disabilities, through systems advocacy.
Parent Training and Information Centers
Family Voices/Family-to-Family Health Information Centers
National Association of Councils on Developmental
National Disability Rights Network
National Council on Independent Living
Wrightslaw “From Emotions to Advocacy”
Serving on Groups – free online course
Partners in Policymaking – free online course
Remain Hopeful,