Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Soul Mate

Every night for fifteen years, I’ve tucked my son into bed. Until recently, I would read to him, say a little prayer, offer an “I love you,” then off I’d go. Ever since he started high school, he has asked me to stop reading to him, and he’s taken over prayer time. His prayers are dear and interactive, and off the cuff – the kind I’m sure God loves and hears best. Not a wish amongst them, mostly gratitude. He’s even taken to initiating the I love yous. For years I offered mine, without expecting an “I love you, too,” back from him. Eventually, and sporadically, he would respond in kind, but like everything with him, unpredictably.

Last night I was just about to walk out the door and he said, “I love the mom you are to me.” Since being the mom I am to him takes approximately 90% of my time and attention, that’s about the nicest thing he could ever say to me.

I’ve heard it said that soul mates are not necessarily those with whom we instantly click, and everything is just blissful when we’re together, no, soul mates are those with whom we’ve travelled the furthest and longest on our soul’s journey. They are often the ones that push our buttons the most, and with whom we have the greatest conflict – they are for sure our greatest teachers.

I love being the mom to my soul mate.