Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Summer Prayer

Dear God, now I lay me down to “sleep”

On the eve of an event that makes me weep.


Tomorrow is my child’s last day of school;

As You know that’s not so cool

For any child who needs structure and routine—

Whether youngster or growing teen.


Guard me through the long summer days

And help me tolerate his unique ways.

Aide me through the noise and din

And help me when my patience wears thin.


Guide us through time-outs when he might pout,

And please never let the cable go out!

Please keep ER visits minimal and doctor wait-times brief

Or I will be overcome with stress and grief.


Please help my child experience some fun

While in his own world under the sun.

Teach me that it is ok

To let him have his own version of play.


Give me strength to appreciate each day anew

With grace and humor and a very strong coffee brew.

Help me dear Lord, since you’re a parent too

Watch over him is what I ask of you.


Please understand I’m doing my best…

And not see this as some kind of test.

My sincere prayer merely seeks

To last until summer session—in two LONG weeks.


So guide me God in Your gentle way…

And please, just once, could he sleep beyond the break of day?




(With love for my little guy...Mommy does need God's help honey.)


  1. Touche! Loved this very relatable post. It gave me the chuckle I needed today! Many thanks.

  2. I love it! May your prayer be answered!
