
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness

We want YOU!

In honor of National Family Caregiver Month and National Blog Posting Month, Hopeful Parents would like to invite all parents who blog about their kids with special needs to share your experiences with us. Every day of November, we'll link to the post of your choosing from our home page.

Tell us what it feels like to raise your child, how it affects you, what it does to your marriage and your relationships, how your family has changed, what's good about it, what's hard, who you admire, what makes you get up in the morning, what makes you want to pull the covers over your head.

Participate once, or participate every single day of the month. Either way, we want your voices to be heard loud and clear!

Participation is super easy:

1. Starting tomorrow, November 1st, write a blog post and copy the link to that specific post.

2. Paste the link to that day's Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness post. (Hint: check our home page. Starting November 1st, there will be a new Blogging for Awareness post each day.)

3. Link back to Hopeful Parents either in your post or on the front page of your site. We want you to help us get the word out! For those of you who like badges, feel free to use the badges and codes below.

That's it. Simple, right?

The only rule we have is that you must be a parent blogging about your experience: no advertisers, no therapeutic providers, nobody but family caregivers. It's National Family Caregivers Month, after all!

And now, for the badges. Copy and paste the code next to each badge to place on your site. We're looking forward reading your posts!


 <a href=""
target="_blank" title="Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness">
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alt="Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness" /></a>




 <a href=""
target="_blank" title="Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness">
<img src=""
alt="Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness" /></a>




 <a href=""
target="_blank" title="Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness">
<img src=""
alt="Hopeful Parents Blogging for Awareness" /></a>

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