Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why Not This Life?

As the parent of a child diagnosed with Prader Willi Syndrome, my life is a difficult one.

Much of my time is spent accompanying my child and supporting him through hospital stays, specialist visits and complex medical procedures.

Often this hectic lifestyle causes me to reflect upon my life.

It has made me question....why?

Why did this happen to Nicholas?

Why did this happen to me?

At times, it feels like life itself has become a form of punishment.

Lately however, my mind is tired of my complaints and constant questioning.

Perhaps it is this holiday season of thankfulness that has warmed my Grinch-like heart.

This week, when I questioned once again...why, I was answered quite suddenly by a stern voice inside my mind who asked...

Why not?

I must admit, for a moment I was stunned, frozen by the impact of these two simple words.

The persistent voice continued to address me.

Why not care for this beautiful child?

Why not embrace and celebrate his existence?

Why not explore the meaning of his life?

Why not teach others to embrace him and see the spirit that lies beneath?

Certainly there are worse fates, what if I had nothing or no one to worry about?

My mind could be filled with trivial thoughts and trivial things.

My days could be filled with meaningless inaction.

What if instead of caring for another, I was caring for only my empty self.

If not this life, then whose life would I want and how long would I be happy?

Now perhaps by asking these questions, I am really just going insane by talking to myself.

Perhaps I am in the process of slowly losing my mind.

But I must admit, these questions have got me thinking about my life.

I am thinking about a life that is devoted to caring for another, a silent soulful other who possess a pure heart and an innocent spirit. He embodies an unconditional love for others and has much to teach the world.

Perhaps the question is not why am I being punished, but instead, why am I so blessed?

How can I improve the care this child deserves and help the world to see him better?

Perhaps I have a lot to be thankful for?

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

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Lisa Peters writes more about family life at To learn more about Prader-Willi Syndrome please visit our national organization at

Thank you for reading.


  1. Bravo! Why not?! Much to be thankful for indeed!

  2. I love this! I think until we embrace that philosophy, we make life hell for ourselves.

  3. love love love this, great time of year to reflect on our blessings, thank you!!!

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